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Fundamentals of Simulation Training
Fundamentals of Simulation Training

The American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) recommends using a multi-sensory approach to teaching adult learners. Adults by nature do not like to read operators manuals, watch instructional videos, or listen to lectures on what to do. They like to learn by doing, they like to become an expert, and then best of all they like to teach others what they know.

The LeanMan Lean Principles Simulation Kits will provide you with an interactive Learn-Do-Teach hands-on tool to help introduce your team to these learning principles, and suggest how to combine effective instructional design with the power of simulation to create Lean training materials that work, on the job and in the classroom.

The Value of Training
The Value of Training

Motorola calculates that for every $1 spent on training, there is a $30 productivity gain within three years - Ronald Henkoff, "Companies That Train Best," Fortune (March 22,1993).

A study by the National Center on Educational Quality of the Workforce at the University of Pennsylvania found that a dollar invested by a company in education was more than twice as effective in boosting the firm's productivity as a dollar invested in new machinery - Washington Post (December 29, 1996).

Across a variety of business operations, the potential for workforce productivity gains is tremendous. Driving even a 5 percent improvement in productivity can result in substantial bottom-line improvements - Paul Sparta, Workforce Performance Solutions (June 2005).